Chairman - PhD (Agricultural Sciences) – Svetlana Krylach
Vice Сhairman- PhD (Agricultural Sciences) - Viktoriia Hetmanenko
Secretary - Katerina Uvarenko
Aims and activities of the Council
The purpose of the Council is to represent, protect and implement, professional, intellectual, legal and socio-economic rights and interests of young scientists. The Council aims to promote comprehensive scientific, innovative, inventive and other creative activities of young scientists, conservation and development of intellectual potential of young scientists, training of scientific personnel.
The main tasks of the Council
- Attracting young scientists and persons working and (or) studying at the NSC ISSAR to scientific work;
- Support of legal aid and information to young scientists (together with the relevant services);
- Support of young scientists in matters of research activities, including search topics, the protection of intellectual property;
- Promoting interdisciplinary research and mobility of young scientists;
- Participation in conferences, seminars, competitions of young scientists, series of lectures by leading scientists of Ukraine;
- Assistance in organizing the participation of young scientists in scientific conferences, seminars, congresses, symposiums, competitions for grants, etc.;
- Submitting proposals to the NSC ISSAR Scientific Council concerning candidates for scholarships, prizes, awards, etc;
- Promoting the active participation of young scientists in different areas of the NSC ISSAR activities;
- Collection and sharing information on funds and organizations engaged in research grants;
- Assistance in obtaining timely information on the conducting scientific activities, contests and grants, opportunities of scientific articles` publishing in Ukrainian and foreign editions;
- Assistance in solving social problems of young scientists;
- Public control over rights and responsibilities of young scientists;
- Cooperation with young scientists and other research institutions and universities, industrial enterprises, including foreign, public associations and youth organizations.
The supreme authority of the Council of is a General Meeting of Young Scientists of the NSC ISSAR