Head of Laboratory – PhD (Agricultural Sciences)
Iryna Plisko
E-mail: irinachujan@gmail.com
Leading researchers
Prof. Vitaliy Medvedev, Doctor of Biological Sciences Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine; Honoured personality of science and engineering of Ukraine
Tetyana Laktionova, PhD (Agricultural Sciences) Senior Researcher
Oksana Bigun, PhD (Agricultural Sciences) Senior Researcheк
Basic directions of research activities
- Geographic information technologies as means to identify patterns of change in the soil properties of Ukraine in time and space; soil monitoring.
- Spatial evaluation of physical parameters of the soil as a criterion of the ecosystem state in natural and anthropogenically transformed conditions.
- The relationship between technological measures and tools for soil tillage in agriculture and physical properties of soil and conditions of plant development.
- Methodology of agrophysical survey of lands to justify precision farming.
- Appraisal and monetary evaluation of soil with using the parameters of soil, climate and technological characteristics of the land.
- Definition of investment attractiveness of arable land of Ukraine.
- Harmonization of database “Soil Properties of Ukraine” with the construct specifics of the global soil-information systems.
- Improving the criteria and parameters of physical degradation of arable soils.
- Methodological and practical approaches to the spatially differentiated system of soil quality management
The most important research results
- The improved methodic of appraisal and monetary evaluation of arable soils of Ukraine.
- Database “Soil Properties of Ukraine”.
- The concept of organization and functioning of soil monitoring in Ukraine with European experience.
- Agronomically oriented land zoning by soil properties.
- Soil - technological zoning of agricultural lands.
- Method of complex evaluation of physical soil quality.
- Register of reference physical parameters for arable soils of Ukraine and recommendations for evaluation of soil physical quality.
- Method of determining the heterogeneity of soil properties on the land unit to justify the precise soil tillage.
- Agroecological valuation of land of Ukraine with the purpose of rational location of crops.
- Medvedev V.V., Laktionova T.N., Dontsova L.V. Soil water properties of Ukraine and agricultural crops water supply. Kharkiv: Apostrof, 2011.
- Medvedev V.V., Laktionova T.N. Texture of Ukrainian Soils (genetic, environmental and agronomical aspects). Kharkiv: Apostrof, 2011.
- Medvedev V.V. Soil monitoring in Ukraine. The Concept. Results. Tasks. (2ndedition). Kharkiv: City printing house, 2012.
- Medvedev V.V. Physical degradation of chernozems. Diagnostics. Reasons. Consequences. Prevention. Kharkiv: City printing house, 2013.
- Medvedev V.V. Soil physical properties and tillage in Ukraine. Kharkiv: City printing house, 2013.
- Medvedev V.V., Plysko I.V., Bihun O.M. Invested attraction of arable lands for Ukraine (the method of determination and mappinganalytical estimation). Kharkiv: Smuhasta typohrafiya, 2014.
- Medvedev V.V., Plysko I.V. Valuable, degraded and unproductive soils of Ukraine: actions on protection and increase of fertility. Kharkiv: Smuhasta typohrafiya, 2015.
- Medvedev V.V. To Farmer about soil and resource saving innovations on tillage. –Kharkiv: Smuhasta typohrafiya, 2015.
- Medvedev V.V. Soil agronomic and environmental physics. Kharkiv: Smuhasta typohrafi-ya, 2015.
- Medvedev V.V., Plysko I.V., Bihun O.M.,Sheiko S.M., Nakisko S.G., Krylach S.I., Borodin A.L. Optimum physical properties of a sowing soil layer as agridemands to preseeding tillage (scientific edition). – Kharkiv: Smuhasta typohrafiya, 2016.
The main services provided by the laboratory
- Determination of basic soil physical properties:
- structure composition;
- penetration resistance;
- soil particle density (density of solid phase of soil);
- soil bulk density;
- soil moisture content;
- water permeability of soil. - Making a typical project of implementation of precise tillage and accurate applying fertilizers.
- Conducting scientific examination of soil (definition of agrogroup, ball bonitet and the category of especially valuable lands) on the basis of archival cartographic materials.
- Soil survey for making recommendations on the implementation of minimum and zero tillage.
- Field soil survey for making recommendations on the feasibility for cultivation of plough pan.
- Determination of soil physical properties (bulk density and penetration resistance) in arable and seed layers for making recommendations on loosening of underseed layer after sowing.
- Making of soil properties cartograms on the base of digital soil maps of different scales, including GIS- format.
- Lectures and consultations on appraisal and monetary valuation of land
Web-site of laboratory: