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Інститут надає платні послуги на договірних засадах

Вартість послуг станом на лютий 2025

Survey and evaluation of soil quality
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Creation (update) of district soil maps and maps of ecological resources and normative productivity of agricultural crops (1 district region) Calculated individually
Soil-agrochemical survey of fields (farms) with provision of appropriate analytical and cartographic information and information on the resource potential of the land by natural and effective fertility (not less than 1000 hectares) from 80 UAH per 1 ha
Operational monitoring of the state of crops (fields) with the use of UAVs with an area from 100 to 1000 hectares with the production of processed photographic and cartographic materials from 20 UAH per 1 ha
Field survey of the ecological and agro-ameliorative state of irrigated lands on indicators of quality of irrigated waters, level and mineralization of groundwater, quality of agricultural products, soil properties (salt composition, toxins contamin from 80 UAH per 1 ha
Field survey of soil-agrochemical state of lands. Development of recommendations for improving the state and soil fertility from 70 UAH.per 1 Ha
Scientific expertise of soil cover on the basis of archival cartographic materials from 7 UAH per 1 ha
Scientific expertise of quality and soil fertility on the basis of archival cartographic materials from 20 UAH per 1 ha
Expertise of soil cover (with departure to the object) Calculated individually
Expertise of soil cover on the basis of GIS-technologies Calculated individually
Express assessment of erosion hazard of land and optimization of soil protection measures in the field of agricultural land management Calculated individually
Scientific expertise (assessment) of soil fertility changes 9320.63
Investigation of reclaimed lands, providing recommendations on technical and biological stages of land reclamation, assessment of the quality of remediation works calculated individually
Determination of cationic-anionic composition of water extraction 494.77
Rational use of resources and improving the efficiency of agricultural production management
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн
Scientific examination of the efficacy of biological products Calculated individually
Plant diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition of winter wheat by «SPAD-502 Plus» chlorophyll meter providing recommendations for foliar feeding crops to guarantee high quality food grains from 10 UAH/1 ha
Agrochemical support of application of mineral fertilizers under the planned indicators of yield and quality of winter wheat grain based on the results of complex soil and plant diagnostics from 25 UAH/1 ha
Providing recommendations on fertilizing crops based on the results of determining the actual content of nutrients (NPK) and the reaction of soil solution (pNsal). The expected economic effect of raising the yield is 400-1200 UAH/ha From 25 UAH per 1ha
Improving the efficiency of agricultural production management through the implementation of the computer program "Information and analytical system of organization and management of agricultural production" 2400.00
Attracting local raw materials for the production of liquid and solid organic and complex organo-mineral fertilizers (up to 6 months) from 50000 UAH
Savings of fertilizers and fuels and lubricants during agricultural production on lands with heterogeneous soil cover due to the introduction of precision farming techniques Calculated individually
Diagnosis of degradation processes on biological indicators of soil, contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals, etc. from 15 UAH per 1 ha
Resource-saving technologies for increasing the acidity of soil fertility (author's support and long-term control of their effectiveness) Calculated individually
Phytomelioration of acid soils (author's support and long-term effectiveness control) Calculated individually
Development of fertilizer system of crops on the results of agrochemical survey of fields (NPK, pN, humus) from 30 UAH/1 ha
Determining the level of availability of soil nutrients (NPK) and the reaction of soil solution (pH) with the results in a report 15 UAH/1 ha
Agrochemical field survey (NРК, рН, humus) with presentation of results in the form of a report from 20 UAH/1 ha
Diagnosis of nutrition and increase of crop yields
Заголовок Опис
Complex diagnostics of biological activity of soils From 20 UAH per 1 ha
Soil diagnostics of mineral nitrogen reserves (NH4 + NO3) in a layer 0-60 cm with recommendations for fertilizer or feed crops From 15 UAH per 1 ha
Increase of payback of potassium-phosphorus mineral fertilizers on the basis of accurate diagnostics of soil fertility state from 20 UAH per 1 ha
Improved productivity of grassland and pastures Calculated individually
Functional vegetative diagnostics of nutrition of agricultural and fruit and berry crops (determination of necessity and development of recommendations for the extra-root nutrition of plants by macro- and microelements) Calculated individually
Services on Standardization and Metrology
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Development of normative and regulatory documents of different levels (TR, DSTU, SOU, TU, etc.), including methodical assistance during the development of technological regulations and specifications with their subsequent registration (accounting) Calculated individually
Technical translation of international and European standards, taking into account the terminology specific in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection Calculated individually
Conducting of normative control, metrological examination, registration and editing of normative documents of different levels (SOU, DSTU, TU, TP, etc.) and research documents (dissertations, reports on research work, etc.) in the field of soil science Calculated individually
Development of a package of documents for attestation (accreditation) of measuring laboratories in accordance with current requirements Calculated individually
Creation of standard samples of soil composition (state, industry, enterprises), including organizational and scientific and methodological support of these works Calculated individually
State standard sample of the composition (agrochemical indicators) of chernozem typical heavy-grained 1 sample 500g 1588.67
Industry standard sample of content (agrochemical indices) of chernozem ordinary low-humus (ГСЗУ 01-2015) 1 sample 500g 1588.67
Industry standard sample of content (agrochemical indices) of sodpodzolic sandy soil (ГСЗУ 02-2015) 1 sample 500g 1588.67
Carrying out lectures and consultations
Заголовок Опис
On fertility of soil cover Doctor of Sciences
On the monetary valuation of land PhD
On the monetary valuation of land Doctor of Sciences
On soil reclamation PhD
On soil reclamation Doctor of Sciences
On assessment of erosion hazard and usage of land protection measures PhD
On assessment of erosion hazard and usage of land protection measures Doctor of Sciences
Concerning the transition and management of organic production PhD
Concerning the transition and management of organic production Doctor of Sciences
On standardization and metrological support of works in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection PhD
On standardization and metrological support of works in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection Doctor of Sciences
On business planning and agrarian innovation and investment business projects PhD
On business planning and agrarian innovation and investment business projects Doctor of Sciences
On fertility of soil cover PhD
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн Індексована ціна грн
Services for the analysis of soils, water and plants
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Determination of available compounds of phosphorus and potassium by the Chirikov method 158.96
Determination of available compounds of phosphorus and potassium by the Machigin method 296.85
Determination of organic matter 259.79
Determination of group composition of humus 1590.03
Determination of available (labile) organic matter of soil by the M.A. Egorov method 797.01
Determination of exchangeable calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in the soil 288.43
Determination of carbonate content by V. Ya. Sokolovich's method for MBB 31-497058-021-2005 181.40
Determination of the capacity of soil absorption 589.43
Determination of nitrates and exchange ammonium in soils 244.34
Determination of nitrate nitrogen in soils 127.58
Determination of hydrolytic acidity 86.08
Determination of particle size (granular) of the soil 840.38
Determination of micro aggregate composition of soil 708.80
Determination of pH of a water extract 64.42
Determination of common forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in plants 762.42
Determination of the pH of the salt extract 81.96
Determination of phosphorus in water 122.66
Preparation of extractor to determine the content of available forms of heavy metals 134.29
Preparation of the extractor to determine the content of hard-fixed forms of heavy metals 133.87
Determination of the content of heavy metals on the Saturn-4 device 26.61
Determination of calcium and magnesium on the С-115М1 device 38.04
Determination of nitrate nitrogen on the СФ-46 device 47.61
Determination of sodium and potassium on a flame photometer 24.04
Determination of hygroscopic moisture 70.55
Preparation of soil for analysis (crushing to powder condition - 20 g) 187.18
Determination of the quality of plant products on the ІЧС-4250 device 48.34
Determination of the state of the soil microflora and its biological activity
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Definition of amonification activity 334.07
Determination of dehydrogenase activity 281.05
Determination of inverted activity 289.90
Determination of the physiological and taxonomic composition of soil microorganisms 1284.79
Determination of nitrification activity 475.47
Determination of polyphenol oxidase activity 96.85
Determination of soil toxicity 465.26
Determination of peroxidase activity 149.30
Determination of cellulose-destroying activity 438.02
Selection of microbes-stimulants 2310.64
Determination of phytotoxic properties of soil microorganisms 2305.29
Determination of soil buffering
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Determination of acid-base soil buffering 450.54
Determination of potassium soil buffering 472.69
Determination of soil phosphate buffering 523.26
Determination of physical properties of soils
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Determination of soil hardness 99.66
Determination of soil moisture (hygroscopic moisture) 147.93
Determination of the density of the solid phase of the soil by the pycnometric method 186.27
Definition of water permeability of soil with PVN device Departure to the field is not calculated 497.84
Definition of water permeability of the soil by the pipes of Kaczynski Departure to the field is not calculated 293.11
Cartographic materials of atlas
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн
Soils of Ukraine 150.00
Particle size distribution of the soil 150.00
The content of granulometric sand fractions (> 0.05 mm) in the first genetic horizon of soils 90.00
The content of granulometric dust fractions (0,05-0,001 mm) in the first genetic horizon of soils 90.00
Content of granulometric fraction of silt (<0.001 mm) in the first genetic horizon of soils 90.00
Dispersion factor 90.00
Soil texture 90.00
The density of the soil structure (equilibrium) in a layer of 10-50 cm 90.00
Deviation of the actual density of soils from the optimum (in a layer 10-50 cm) 90.00
Humidity of wilting plants in the first genetic soil horizon 90.00
Field (lowest) moisture content in the first genetic horizon of soils 90.00
The active moisture range in the first genetic horizon of soils 90.00
Relative availability of moisture in the first genetic horizon of soils 90.00
Water regime of soils 90.00
Saturation of the bases of the upper layer of soils 90.00
Capacity exchange of cations in the upper layer of soils 90.00
Sum of exchange bases (Ca, Mg, Na, K) in the upper layer of soil 90.00
Reaction of a soil solution of pH (H2O) 90.00
Humus content in arable layer of soils 90.00
The stock of humus in the soils 90.00
The internal energy of humus in soils 90.00
Soil stability to contamination and migration of pollutants 90.00
Intensity of CO2 emissions from soils in the atmosphere 90.00
Drainage of soils 90.00
Bonitets of arable soils of Ukraine (according to the current methodology of 1992) 90.00
Soil bonitet in points (according to updated methodology of the NSC ISSAR) 90.00
Index of physical state of soils 90.00
Partial bonitet of lands (winter wheat), in points 90.00
Partial bonitet of lands (winter rye), in points 90.00
Partial bonitet of land (barley), in points 90.00
Partial bonitet of land (corn), in points 90.00
Partial bonitet of land (sugar beet), in points 90.00
Partial bonitet of lands (sunflower), in points 90.00
Average angle of inclination of arable land 90.00
Natural agricultural zoning of Ukraine 90.00
Soil and technological arable land zoning Ukraine favorable for a minimum and zero tillage 90.00
Total for the atlas "Soil Properties of Ukraine" in HTML format 3360.00
Capacity exchange of cations in the upper layer of soils 300.00
Other maps in HTML format
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн
The natural content of trace elements - Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Cr, Mn, Pb, Ni (8 map scheme) - in the arable layer of soils of Ukraine 50.00
Natural content of available phosphorus in arable layer of soils of Ukraine 20.00
Natural content of available potassium in the arable layer of soils of Ukraine 20.00
Cartographic materials in GIS format
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн
Soils of Ukraine 3200.00
Particle size distribution of the soil 500.00
The content of granulometric sand fractions (> 0.05 mm) in the first genetic horizon of soils 500.00
The content of granulometric dust fractions (0,05-0,001 mm) in the first genetic horizon of soils 500.00
Content of granulometric fraction of sludge (<0.001 mm) in the first genetic horizon of soils 500.00
Dispersion factor 300.00
Soil texture 700.00
The density of the soil structure (equilibrium) in a layer of 10-50 cm 750.00
Deviation of the actual density of soils from the optimum (in a layer 10-50 cm) 500.00
Humidity of wilting plants in the first genetic soil horizon 600.00
Field (lowest) moisture content in the first genetic horizon of soils 600.00
The active moisture range in the first genetic horizon of soils 600.00
Relative availability of moisture in the first genetic horizon of soils 600.00
Water regime of soils 300.00
Saturation of the bases of the upper layer of soils 300.00
Sum of exchange bases (Ca, Mg, Na, K) in the upper layer of soil 300.00
Reaction of a soil pH solution (H2O) 300.00
Humus content in arable layer of soils 600.00
The stock of humus in the soils 600.00
Internal energy of humus in soils 300.00
Soil stability to contamination and migration of pollutants 600.00
Intensity of CO2 emissions from soils in the atmosphere 300.00
Drainage of soils 300.00
Bonitets of arable soils of Ukraine (according to the current methodology of 1992) 600.00
Soil bonitet in points (according to updated methodology of the NSC ISSAR) 600.00
Bonite of soils in points (according to updated methodology of the NSC ISSAR) 600.00
Index of physical state of soils 500.00
Partial bonitet of lands (winter wheat), in points 600.00
Partial bonitet of lands (winter rye), in points 600.00
Partial bonite of land (barley), in points 600.00
Partial bonitet of land (corn), in points 600.00
Partial bonitet of land (sugar beet), in points 600.00
Partial bonite of lands (sunflower), in points 600.00
Weighted average angle of inclination of arable land 500.00
Natural-agricultural zoning of Ukraine 750.00
Soil-technological zoning of arable land of Ukraine in favor of minimal and zero cultivation 800.00
Other maps in GIS format
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн
The natural content of trace elements - Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Cr, Mn, Pb, Ni (8 map sсheme) – in the arable layer of soils of Ukraine 500.00
Natural content of available phosphorus in the arable layer of soils of Ukraine 100.00
Natural content of available potassium in the arable layer of soils of Ukraine 100.00
Internship at the Instrumental Soil Research Methods Laboratory
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн
Study of theoretical aspects PhD 109.12
Study of theoretical aspects Doctor of Sciences 136.48
Joint performance of works 42,45 (PhD), + cost of 1 sample 109.12
Scientific guidance for graduate students
Заголовок Опис Фіксована ціна грн
PhD year 20213.80
Doctor of Sciences year 25281.30
Doctor of Sciences, Professor year 31950.60
Doctor of Science, Professor, Corresponding Member (Academician) year 39936.80
Registration of materials for obtaining copyright documents
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Registration of documents for obtaining a certificate on the protection of copyright in the work 386.68
Estimation of the qualitative state of soils of land plots
Заголовок Опис Індексована ціна грн
Determination of the structural and aggregate composition of the soil by the sieve method in the modification of N.I.Savvinov Departure to the field is not taken into account 205.69
Determination of the density of the soil structure Departure to the field is not taken into account 205.69
Modeling and development of technological process of bioremediation of oil contaminated soils in accordance with soil-climatic conditions Calculated individually
Determination of quality of mechanical remediation of oil-contaminated soils on biological parameters. Providing recommendations for the restoration of soil biological activity Calculated individually