Head of Department - PhD (Agricultural Sciences),

Kateryna Smirnova


Leading researchers
Valentina Samokhvalova - PhD (Agricultural Sciences), Senior Researcher 
Dmitry SemenovPhD (Agricultural Sciences), Senior Researcher
Basic directions of research activities
  • The department specializes in solving the problems of soil contamination by industrial emissions (heavy metals and petroleum) and trace element nutrition of agricultural crops.
  • The department is implementing investigations on the influence of sources of emission of pollutants in the soils and their accumulation of vegetation.
  • The development of methods of contaminants’ detoxification in soils, restoration of soil fertility. 
  • In laboratory is carried out the theoretical foundations of regulation of content in soils of Ukraine a number of heavy metals depending on the stability of these soils to pollution. 
  • The regulation of content of trace elements in soils depending on buffering capacity of soil and absorption and removal of metals by major crops. 
  • Evaluating the suitability of soils for or-ganic farming of Ukraine on the content of trace elements in soils.

Main research results

  • Standards of optimal natural content of trace elements in soils of Ukraine.
  • System of evaluation of soil on the content of available forms of trace elements.
  • Evaluation of the suitability of soil to organic agriculture on the content of trace elements and heavy metals.
  • Digital electronic maps of trace elements distribution in soils for compiling GIS “Trace elements in soils of Ukraine”.
  • Technique of soil-geochemical survey of agricultural land to assess the ecological condition of soils, the degree of contamination, provision with the microelements.
  • Recommendations for implementation in production system optimization of trace element nutrition of crops nationwide and regional levels (Kharkiv, Sumy, Kherson and Volyn re-gions).
  • Scientific basis of environmental rehabilitation of soils contaminated with heavy metals.
We offer
  • Environmental assessment of land for the establishment of fact and degree of pollution.
  • Definition of reclamation quality after the geological prospecting and extraction of mineral resources.
  • Development of polluted soils’ detoxication and decontamination technologies.
  • Assessment of soil-losses in the agricultural area, caused by pollution and soil degradation factors.
  • Development of regulatory documents (GOST, DSTU-ISO, technical specifications) on industrial pollution of soils with heavy metals and oil products, analytical methods for anal-ysis of heavy metals and trace elements, etc.
  • Identification of permissible levels of pollutants in soils, with their migration patterns in soil-plant systems.
  • Electronic maps on content of trace ele-ments and heavy metals in soils and agricultural plants using modern GIS technology.
  • Conducting field experiments and laboratory tests to determine the effectiveness of new micronutrients.
  • Development of modern micronutrients (including for organic farming) on the physiological needs of the various agricultural crops (field, garden, vegetable) and recommendations on their use.
Benefits of our research technologies
  • Informational and objectivity of findings.
  • Speed, accuracy, efficiency of field and laboratory work.
  • Scientific study of results.
  • Providing prior consultation.
  •  Analysis of soil samples in sophisticated laboratories, created in partnership with Soil 
  • Cares Research (Netherlands).
  • Increase the quantity and quality of agri-cultural crop cultures and income of producer.
  • Years of experience, profes-sionalism and high qualification of 
  • Department`s experts