Phone: +038(06247) 4-81-91
Main directions of research activities
- The improving of technological solutions in the system of cultivation in terms of ecological-ly balanced agricultural landscapes. To select the mode of cultivation consider geomorpho-logical and climatic characteristics of the East-ern Steppe of Ukraine, and the degree of erosion and measures to protect soil from erosion.
- The main goal - improving the quality of basic soil region - chernozem ordinary
We offer
- A survey and analysis on content of heavy metals and nutrients in the soil and plants.
- Delimitation of areas of soil contamination near coal processing, farms and other sources of atmospheric and soil pollution and development of effective measures to protect them.
- Antierosion cultivation technologies in the field of and soil protective crop rotations in ecologically balanced agricultural landscapes.
- Saving technologies of soil preparing un-der sunflower and spring grain crops.
- Technologies of crops` growing in the crop rotation by unbalanced phosphorus regime to overcome or prevent problems with soil phosphate.
- Environmental and agrochemistry estimation of technology loaded soils. Defining the photosynthetic activity of plants, balance of main and trace element nutrition and levels of heavy metals in plants to improve yields and quality of agricultural products.
- The system for crop fertilizing of field crop rotation on chernozem ordinary with varying degrees of erosion using plant growthpromoting factor.
- Updating soil technologies of crops` growing on eroded soils, remediation and restoration of fertility of anthropogenic degraded and unproductive lands using montmorillonite clays, ferrous sulphate, calcium ameliorants, straw, mud ponds, waste animal industry, plant growthpromoting factor, allowing monitoring of agricultural soil and sowing crops and it provides increased productivity, gradual reproduction of soil fertility, improves the efficiency of the used resources
- Monitoring of soil and state of agricultural crops to determine ways to increase productivity, gradual repro-duction of soil fertility and efficiency of the resources