Collected papers “Agrochemistry and Soil Science”

State registration certificate: КВ № 20942 10742Пр

There are published the original articles on the results of theoretical, experimental and methodological research in priority areas of soil science, agrochemistry, soil reclamation, agro-ecology, agriculture and other sciences.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1643 from 28.12.2019 the “AgroChemistry and Soil Science” is included in the Nomenclature of the scientific editions of Ukraine (category “Б”), which can publish the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences, on agricultural sciences (specialty "201 Agronomy") and biological sciences (specialty "091 Biology").

Editorial board, approved by the Academic Council of NSC "ISSAR named after O.N. Sokolovsky”(Protocol № 7 dated 05.04.2019), general requirements for registration of articles and archive of recent numbers are available on the website of the collected papers:

Editorial board includes experts in the field of soil science, agrochemistry, agriculture, soil conservation. They are independent reviewers and competent experts each in their particular field of science. Members of the Editorial board have the experience of publishing in international scientific journals, which provides a high level of review of manuscripts.

  • Editor-in-Chief: Sviatoslav Baliuk, phone: +38(057)704-16-69, e-mail:  
  • Associate Editor: Mykola Miroshnychenko, phone +38(057)704-16-64, e-mail:  
  • Managing Editor: Tetiana Laktionova, phone +38(057)704-16-65, e-mail: